
While money can't buy happiness, it does buy things necessary to run Colorado Reptile Humane Society!

Direct Donations
Your donation will make life brighter for the reptiles in our care, and better for the people and animals in our community.

Our shelter requires electricity for the many reptile UVB lights we need; water for drinking, bathing, soaking, or living in; and natural gas for heat.

Certain animal foods must be purchased, the "CoRHSmobile" requires fuel, equipment must be maintained, and sometimes replaced. Stock tanks and filter systems simply don't grow on trees!

Our veterinarians are extremely generous, discounting their time and many procedures. However, they must run their businesses and pay their professional staff. All this requires cash!

Help CoRHS care for homeless reptiles and amphibians via a PayPal donation please complete the form below to get started!

Donate - Colorado Reptile Humane Society
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